Parish Ministries and Worship Assistance
Altar Guild
There is a great deal of preparation before each Sunday Liturgy. A dedicated group of St. Peter’s parishioners ensure that each Holy Eucharist the linen is freshly laundered and pressed, fresh- cut flowers are placed on the Altar, candles lit, metals polished, readings marked, elements prepared for presentation, and correct seasonal hangings are displayed. Vestments are also kept presentable. Each week one or two members prepare and clear away for that Sunday.
Ushers greet and assist those coming in to worship. They prepare the hymn board, arrange chairs in proper order, collect offertory, and lead parishioners to the altar during the Eucharist. After services they are responsible for making sure the church is secure, lights off, papers and other items removed, and candles extinguished. These men and women help make St. Peter’s a warm, inviting atmosphere in which to worship.
Lectors read scripture or lead the prayers of the people. It takes a very special person to read scripture as it was meant to be read. Keeping the tone level and voice at one volume is a skill few people have mastered. Our Readers are dedicated, and their love of reading is a gift. New readers are always welcome; please speak with Pat Bradshaw if you are interested in this ministry.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
A group of parishioners meet on the second Tuesday of the month and knit or crochet prayer
shawls, lap blankets, and baby blankets for members of St. Peter’s, as well as others in need.
While the gifts are being created with loving hands, prayers are offered for the unknown recipient. When completed the group gathers to bless the shawl and pray for the recipient; then the shawl is wrapped for the special someone to receive. Each member remembers the gifts they made and continues to pray for all who have received a knitted gift from St. Peter's Episcopal Church.
Basic knitting or crocheting skills are all that is needed. If you are interested in participating with the other members of the Prayer Shawl Ministry. If you are interested in participating with the other members of the Prayers Shawl Ministry, please contact Leigh Hayes at
If you or someone you know is in need of a Prayer Shawl, please contact the church office.
Prayer Tree
Daily prayers are offered for those in distress, ill, or traveling; and for families who have lost a family member or friend. All requests for prayer are confidential; only those in the prayer tree may have knowledge.
Coffee Hour
After worship each Sunday, a team of the faithful prepare a table of goodies and beverages for all to share. It's a time not only to share in the delicious delights, but to share conversations with other parishioners.
Always greeting you with a smile and a Good Morning–those are the St. Peter's Greeters. They are ready to assist with finding your name tag, answer questions, or help you find that
sign–up sheet for the next church event.